Kola nut

Kola Nut
Kola Nut — pods and seeds
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Malvales
Family: Malvaceae
Subfamily: Sterculioideae
Genus: Cola
Schott & Endl.
Selected species

Kola Nut (Cola) is the nut of the kola tree, a genus of trees native to the tropical rainforests of Africa, classified in the family Malvaceae, subfamily Sterculioideae (or treated in the separate family Sterculiaceae). It is related to the South American genus Theobroma, or cocoa. It is an evergreen tree, growing up to 20 m tall (about 60 feet), with glossy ovoid leaves up to 30 cm long and star shaped fruit.[1]


Origin and distribution

Cola is a genus of the family Malvaceae with approximately 100 to 125 species occurring in the evergreen lowland and montane forest of continental Africa, primarily tropical Africa.[2] where Cola vera is the most common species . It is native to West Africa.. Cola nuts are seed pods of the plant harvested primarily from the species Cola nitida and Cola acuminata.[2]. It's chewed most by Nigerians.

Chemical composition

General description

Kola nut is a caffeine-containing nut of two evergreen trees of the cocoa family. Kola nut is a relative of the Malvaceae plant family. The Cola acuminata is an evergreen tree of about 20 meters in height, and has long and ovoid leaves pointed at both the ends that have a leathery texture. The trees have yellow flowers with purple spots, and star-shaped fruit. Inside the fruit, about a dozen round or square seeds can be found in a white seed shell. The nut’s aroma is sweet and rose-like. The first taste is bitter, but sweetens upon chewing. The nut can be boiled to extract the cola. This tree reaches 25 meters in height and is propagated through seeds. C. nitida and C. acuminata can easily be interchanged with other Cola species.


The kola nut has a bitter flavor and contains caffeine. It is chewed in many West African cultures, individually or in a group setting. It is often used ceremonially, presented to tribal chiefs or presented to guests.[3] It is preferred among African Muslims, who are forbidden to drink alcohol. Chewing kola nut can ease hunger pangs. Frequent chewing of the kola nut can also lead to stained teeth. Among the urban youth of West Africa, kola nut is becoming less popular.

Outside mainland Africa, some species are cultivated for their nuts in Brazil, Jamaica and elsewhere in the humid tropics.

Kola nuts are often used to treat whooping cough and asthma. The caffeine present acts as a bronchodilator, expanding the bronchial air passages.

Kola nuts are perhaps best known to Western culture as a flavouring ingredient and one of the sources of caffeine in cola and other similarly flavoured beverages, although the use of kola (or kola flavoring) in commercial cola drinks has become uncommon.[4] However, recently the use of Kola nut has been reintroduced, most notably in Whole Foods Market 365 Cola[5][6] as part of their trend to use natural rather than artificial ingredients. It is also used in Barr's Red Kola, Red Bull's new Simply Cola, Harboe Original Taste Cola, Foxon Park Kola, Blue Sky Organic Cola, Sprecher's Puma Kola, Virgil's Real Cola, Hansen's Natural Original Cola, and Cricket Cola.

In Barbados the Kola nut is made into a sweet drink known as Clayton's Kola Tonic.


The use of the kola nut, like the coffee berry and tea leaf, appears to have ancient origins. It is chewed in many West African cultures, individually or in a social setting, to restore vitality and ease hunger pangs. Kola nuts are an important part of the traditional spiritual practice of culture and religion in West Africa, particularly Nigeria.[7] Kola nuts are used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. They are also used in a traditional divination system called Obi divination. For this use, only kola nuts that are divided into four lobes are suitable. The kola nuts are cast upon a special wooden board and the resulting patterns are read by a trained diviner.[8] This ancient practice is currently enjoying increased growth within the United States and Caribbean.

In the 1800s, a pharmacist in Georgia, John Pemberton, took extracts of kola and coca and mixed them with sugar, other ingredients, and carbonated water to invent the first cola soft drink. His accountant tasted it and called it "Coca Cola." Cocaine (not the other extracts from the Peruvian coca leaf) was prohibited from soft drinks in the U.S. after 1904, but Coca-Cola still uses kola in its original recipe..

Ecological requirement

Originally a tree of tropical rainforest, it needs a hot humid climate but can withstand a dry season on sites with a high ground water level. It may be cultivated in drier areas where ground water is available. C. nitida is a shade bearer but develops a better spreading crown which yields more fruits in open places. Though it is a lowland forest tree it has been found at altitudes over 300 m on deep rich soils under heavy and evenly distributed rainfall.

Weeding condition

Regular weeding is a must and this can either be done manually or by using herbicides. Some irrigation can be provided to the plants, but it is important to remove the water through an effective drainage system as excess water may prove to be detrimental for the growth of the plant. When not grown in adequate shade, the kola nut plant responds well to fertilizers. Usually, the plants need to be provided with windbreaks to protect them from strong gales.

Harvest and storage

Kola nuts can be harvested by hand, by pluging it at the tree branch. Like in western countries and other countries of the world, it has been harvested by the use of harvesters. When kept in a cold and dry place, Kola nut can be stored for a long time.

Pest and disease

The nuts are subject to attack by the Kola weevil Balanogastris cola. The larvae of the moth Characoma strictigrapta that also attacks cacao bore into the nuts. Traders sometimes apply an extract of the bark Rauvolfia vomitoria or the pulverised fruits of Xylopia and Capsicum to counteract the attack on nursery plants. The cacao pests Sahlbergella spp. have been found also on C. nitida as an alternative host plant. While seeds are liable to worm attack, the wood is subject to borer attack.


  • Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) [Online Database].Species Records of Cola National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  • Jarvis, Gail (May 21, 2002). The Rise and Fall of Cocaine Cola. Retrieved on 2006-08-19.
  • Kim, Katherine, (2001). Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
  • Mariama Bâ, "So Long a Letter"
  1. ^ Duke, James A. (2001). Handbook of Nuts
  2. ^ a b Cheek, Martin (2002). "Three new species of Cola (Sterculiaceae) from western Cameroon". Kew Bulletin (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) 57 (2): 403. JSTOR 4111117. 
  3. ^ Igbo insight guide to Enugu and Igboland's Culture and Language, igboguide.org Kola Nut
  4. ^ Catherine Meyers. "How Natural Is Your Cola?". Science NOW. Retrieved 2011-05-08.
  5. ^ Whole Foods 365 Everyday Value Cola All Natural Soda
  6. ^ The wise gardener
  7. ^ FAMA Aina Adewale-Somadhi, Chief: (2004), "Practioner's Handbook for the Ifa Professional", Ile Orunmila Communications, pg 1
  8. ^ Epega, Afolabi A.: (2003), "Obi Divination", Athelia Henrietta Press, pgs 1-2

External links